Sunday 2 October 2016

The Listening Club - 2nd October 2016

How do, folks.

Yeah, so finally summer doth come to an end, with grey grotty grimness gleefully descending on Amsterdam, and the summer togs getting pushed to the back of the wardrobe once more. Still, plenty of things to keep us occupied, still buzzing gently from seeing one of my all-time favourites (and previous #LC picks) Negativland on their first European tour for 20-or-so years last Wednesday, and mighty fine they were too. A nicer bunch of lunatics you couldn't hope to meet, truly.

Chez #LC, last week. whilst myself and @nessiest were off having our minds triangulated by Plaid at the Melkweg, the right honorable @RougeForever was folking it up with her selection of Kathryn Williams' "Hypoxia", which seemed to have quite an emtional effect on the assembled. Many thanks to Liz for the pick, and for sailing the frisbo across the sea to @saucer, who has this to say by way of introduction...

"Tonight's pick is the missing link, as it were, between the origin story of one of my favorite, active American bands and what they became... are becoming. In fact, in April of this year they released a new, "mature" album, guest star and all (and it's great). But this isn't that.

Rather, this is the final evolution of one band that changed a great deal across three albums and then ended, so the next one could start.

I am a happy completist of everything the central figure in this story created/is creating/will create. Within his growing catalog, tonight's pick is special... balanced between morosophy and mastery, brilliance expressed through lizard brain, plain and direct and urgent.

Then without further decoration or delay, let's have a listen and I hope you enjoy."

Right. Direct download is here, and the HearThis stream is...

See you at 8pm!

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